Monday, November 16, 2009

Research paper?

I am writing a research paper in my English class and I have three ideas for topics. (They have to have something to do with America.) Can anyone tell me three supports for any of them and/or which one they like best.

Thanks so much!

Research paper?
Modern ballet's definitely the most interesting, I'd love to read about that... the sexual imagery one is overdone, in my opinion, but you'll probably be able to find a lot of information.... I like the third choice the best. You'll be able to talk about how it's been used and why it was developed, and then you can discuss the pros and cons of it, and provide opinions on it. It just seems like you'd be able to easily get more material for it. If you don't want to do that one though, I'd go with the ballet one, if you can find enough information.
Reply:#2 %26amp; #3 would be the easiest, especialy topic #2 (your paper could go in any directon w/ mass media, plus there is a substantial amout of research on mass media and its influence. If you are doing your topic on it you could argue that it influences America's society (you could tak about young adult women, violence in pre-adolescents, or how media exploits women sexually, etc...). If it does it positively or negativley (whatever your position is on the issue). Your ideas could be through the habitual use of sex as a marketing tactic, how advertisments are overcommercilized (used excessivley in the public's eye) on the internet, billbords, magazines, etc...

Topic 3, you might find yourself @ writers block a-lot. You would have to be knowledgeable about the history behind politics (federalism and why the framers implemented the electorial college) which would require time to research that alone.

Stick w/your topic on media, you will go far!!


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