Monday, November 16, 2009

Can anyone help me with a thesis statement for a research paper on missing adolescents?

I'm doing a research paper on adolescents that run away but I can't think of a thesis statement. Can someone please help me?

Can anyone help me with a thesis statement for a research paper on missing adolescents?
Well a thesis of any dissertation involves YOUR feelings on the subject. Eg is it a major problem, do we need to do something about it....why do you want to write the paper..

how does it affect you, personally, ideologically, ect.

Once you know WHY you want to write the paper, the thesis statement will come out more naturally. A Thesis statement is not the topic itself, but why the topic is important, what it means to you and what you have to say about it.

Eg: The Number of teenage runaways in America has reached Epidemic proportions. Unless the family unit returns to more tradition values, this problem will continue to escalate with dire consequences for the future of the United States.
Reply:OK, how about this:

Have you ever thought about running away from home? Millions of teens have thought about it and millions more actually have run away from home to try and escape their problems.

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