Monday, November 16, 2009

How can i start a research paper thats about hypnotism that includes a thesis statement. please give ideas?

how can i start a research paper thats about hypnotism that includes a thesis statement. please give ideas?

its about hypnotism, please help.

How can i start a research paper thats about hypnotism that includes a thesis statement. please give ideas?
First find your thesis statement. This will help you immensely. The thesis statement says what you are arguing in your paper. I would start it with something like "the practise of hypnotism is beneficial/detrimental/good/etc. since it helps people quit smoking, makes giving birth easier and provides stress relief to those who partake in it." this is a very basic thesis statement and must be tailored to what you want to prove. I'm not sure what grade or level of school you are in but this pattern of thesis writing helped me all through university.

A thesis statement needs to have 3 points that you are going to prove in the body of the essay. This helps to guide what you will write and have to Research.

I hope this helps! Good luck with it.
Reply:What do you want the audience to know about hypnotism? Think of a few main points, list them in a sentance, and there's your thesis.

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