Monday, April 26, 2010

I have to write an 8 page research paper on political parties. What could I write it on?

It has to be a shot research paper and I wanted to talk about the media influencing voters decisions. How can I tie it directly to political parties. I mean I cant just talk about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads influencing voters against Kerry. I have to tie it directly to parties. Any help?

I have to write an 8 page research paper on political parties. What could I write it on?
I would consider forming my paper around Internet media. It's influence on the politically involved computer user and how it has affected the dissemination of political rhetoric and the contributory effect it has had on the current Grand Canyon wide division between the two main American political parties.

The Ron Paul Internet effect vs. the reality of his political position in the "real" world might be worth considering also. It would apply to media because Ron Paul supporters (mainly Internet based) largely blame his failed candidacy on the media ignoring him.

Good luck with that paper. Working on one of my own right now that has my head about to explode ;-).
Reply:You are most welcome ;-). Thank you. Report Abuse

Reply:Do a paper on Independents because they are both for ideas from the Democrats and the Repulicans so that way you can cover all parties...
Reply:The media puts zero emphasis on any party other than the Republicans and Democrats. The majority of the population would never consider voting for any other party, most likely because they don't know about them and don't know what they are about....
Reply:The different news outlets have bias towards particular parties. Fox is famous for its Republican bent. Notice the way people move between it and the White House: Tony Snow left Fox for the White House, Karl Rove got hired by Fox pretty quickly after leaving the White House.

I'm sure the others have their deals, too.

Any good research topics for term paper of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?

I read and have to do a research paper on Brave New World put I can't think of what to right about. Can anonye think of any thing. I would really appreciate it.

Any good research topics for term paper of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?
The depiction of drugs in literature, or the historical use of drugs as a pacifier

adult teeth

Can someone please find me an example research paper on healthy snack eating?

I need a sample research paper or ideas on health snack eating this projecy is being done by a 6th grader so please make it on a 6th grade level

Can someone please find me an example research paper on healthy snack eating?
Since it's for a school project, you probably should do some of the digging yourself. I'll give you a push in the right direction... Google the term "healthy snack eating for kids" and you'll get some good sites returned.

If you need some actual studies, you'll find all you need here: Type "Children snack" in the search box. The articles may be beyond a 6th grade level, but most research papers will be since they are not targeted to 6th grade readers. You should be able to get some good information out of the study abstracts, though.

Research paper on the topic of your choice?

Ok, I have to write a research paper for my Western Civ. class and I get to pick the topic. Trouble is, I have no idea what to write about. It can be about anything from literally the beginning of time to the year 1650. What would be a good topic to write about?

Research paper on the topic of your choice?
Write about some type of legend. Those are never boring...mixed with passion, love and adventure. It should definitely be interesting.

I don't know if this is dumb and unrelated but I would love to write about Helen of Troy and the greek goddess and gods..however I think thats philosophy.Never mind that!
Reply:I wish I were in your shoes! You get to pick your topic. I am stuck with a topic that my teacher chose and I have no idea what to write.
Reply:A great topic to write about would be Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and his effect on Europe at the end of that period of Western Civilization. What he contributed to science has huge effects on current science, including the now-accepted knowledge that the earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around.

There is a HUGE amount of information on him (making the bibliography a cinch) on the internet and in books and in periodicals.

Also, if you get the chance, there's a wonderful biography called _Galileo's_Daughter_. It's about his relationship with one of his illegitimate daughters who was a nun and quite intelligent -- had she been born a man, she could have very likely been his successor and heir, for she understood his teachings so very well. It covers the schism in the Catholic church at the time over the scientific Renaissance -- it's an amazing read if you get the chance.
Reply:1) any roman emperor

2) socrates

3) homer and illyad

4) charlemagne

5) crusades any of the four

I need a current issue to write about for a research paper? It neebs to involve my major history.?

I have a research paper that i need to write and my teacher wants it to be on my major, which is history, and i'm having trouble on coming up with a topic that involves a current issue that has a history aspect.

I need a current issue to write about for a research paper? It neebs to involve my major history.?
How about the Evolution of the Car? or fuels?

Cars: Model T to Hybrids

Fuel: Fossil to Vegetable-based
Reply:Jena 6

US-Iran tension

Immigration debate

Military conscription debate

Nuclear power for energy


You couldn't come up with any of this?
Reply:How about the Iraq war. This is not the first time the west has invaded Iraq. You can look at the parallels between the British invasion of Iraq in the early 1900's and the U.S. invasion in 2003?
Reply:Well, we do have a rather nasty war on at the moment and we're going into a recession the likes of which we've never seen. Fascism is on the rise, especially here in North America.

Imagine it's 2607 instead of 2007. What might stand out as the great issue of the day? Make a snap judgment about that, and then begin.
Reply:If you are an American you might find this topic interesting...

How about comparing America's involvement and reactions to the Iraqi war with America's involvement and reaction to Vietnam/Korea? You could compare Presidents,reasons and justifications for the American involvement, reactions worldwide, military tactics (American Vs both Viet Cong and Iraqi troops), Political climates in each country, civilian and military reactions.. and how they change or evolve over time.

You could interview people who were actually in Vietnam or Iraq ask them for their perspective.. you could find out what people who were in Vietnam thinks about the Second Iraqi war. You could look into what were the motivating factors in each (Not just 9/11 but other tensions IE religion, natural resources, differing political views etc.)

That's just a few ideas on one topic that I had without really thinking about it, imagine what you could come up with with some thought!

If you do tackle this topic though, try to be impartial.. try to leave all prejudgements behind and try to look at it from the standpoint of a neutral person be Switzerland! Don't make any conclusions until your conclusion!!

Good luck with your assignment
Reply:How about comparing the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Philippines from 1898-1941?
Reply:if history is your major where is the problem with the "history aspect"?
Reply:Jena 6..... Races issues over the last 20 years have they gotten better or worse?

I need a topic for a research paper related to psychology, can you help?

I have a research paper to do in psychology and we have to pick any topic related to the study of psychology. I need help with coming up with something to write about. I just can't think of something good. Help!

I need a topic for a research paper related to psychology, can you help?
Hello nicklauschuzon,

How about ... the Barnum-effect! (a.k. as the 'Forer-effect')

This interesting psychological phenomenon has been studied very frequently during second half of the 20-th century.

For example: I used the Barnum-effect in my research project on Palmistry. You can read about my approach and my findings at:

Thanks for asking!

PS. The Barnum-effect is related to issues like: 'subject-perception' and the human inclination to project 'vague' personality description on oneself.
Reply:How about "aspects of indecision in the immature mind" ?
Reply:how about the different theories of birth order
Reply:what about nature vrs nuture?

Cognitive scutures

Personality theories,

hotels reviews

Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?

Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic

Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Add in there addictions to the medications the doctor hands out.

My father was a alcoholic. This being one of the largest deadliest acceptable drug there is. All the railroad workers I grew up with were all alcoholics. We would go down where he worked and in some spots it smelled horrible of old alcohol....Why he drank? I guess because it was so acceptable all his pals drank?

If you would go to your library and look through the DVDs I am sure you can find information there about drug addiction...
Reply:I dont like to say there are causes of drug addiction but there are predisposing factors such as a family history of substance abuse or mental illness, a large number of women in recovery from chemical dependence report early sexual trauma, cultural expectations and social structure play a role as far what substances are availible and what is acceptable. Addicts come from a wide variety of backgrounds,if you have time sit in on an OPEN AA or NA meeting,you can learn alot about addiction that way. Good Luck on your paper.
Reply:there are all kinds of drug addictions....

pot, coke, meth.....pick one....

all three cause family issues, there is also the pressure from friends to do it (mostly pot). and mostly in high school kids. there are lots of websites that can help you research it.

Reply:Hmm I guess I cant be of any help.. none of those issues you mention really had anything to do with it in my case.. I just liked the drugs.. Sorry..
Reply:I have been in recovery for a year and in my experience with the people I was fortunate to get to know, both in meetings and therapy and the friends and family of others like me, I would say it's 50-50.

50% Environmental, because I'd say most addicts, alcoholics, overeaters, sex addicts, and all of the others had some sort of severe childhood trama. Be it sexual abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, even schoolyard ridicule like being bullied or otherwise tormented by classmates or neighbors has a crippling affect on ones sense of self, boundries and becomes an ego turned inside out. We hate how we feel in our own skin so we seek comfort in that next hit or drink or whatever takes the hurt and the fear away so we can be better. At first, that is. We don't want to work through the pain of growing up emotionally so instead, we will spend our lives trying to be this better version of who we think we are, or think we should be. It gats harder as the addiction gets worse and the effects of our disease begin to take hold. Such work it was for me to just get up and shower and dress to go to the grocery store. No one would want to spend a minute in the tweaker hell I created for myself, much less years or a lifetime.

The other 50% I believe is hereditary. Chemicals in our brains and the way that they function has got to be a product of the genes in your family. My father is an alcoholic. His father was an alcoholic. I am an addict/alcoholic/bi-polar with a borderline personality disorder to boot. I was depressed before I started using meth, but now you can see I have altered my brain severly and permanently so I have graduated to all of my current "isms".

There is also the truth about alcoholics having a physical allergy to alcohol. Normal people produce some sort of ensyme in their liver that counters the alcohol, thereby not letting it hit your system without somewhat metabolizing it first. Alcoholics lack this digestive ensyme and the alcohol enters that persons' body full force. The effects are more intense, as it hits the brain and knocks out all of the natural chemicals that usually deliver pleasure and causes the parts of the brain that produce these chemicals to take a vacation. That's why an alcoholic will begin to have blackouts very early in his drinking career and also why we build up a tollerance. Now we are no longer the cheap date that we used to be, we buy dope by the oz. now, not the gram, and the bottle has a handle on it so when you fall you can still hang onto your booze.

Normal, or social drinkers don't drink because of something, they don't drink at something, and some of us get to know that normal people dont drink and use until there is no one to drink at or to or with and it's only that desparation and lonliness that causes us to make a decision to live or die. Hitting bottom, in other words. Once bottom is acheived, the only way out is a spiritual solution. Not god, the devil or religion. That is a big misconception that I think keeps people from really giving themselves to a solution that works. If you believe in something, anything, grab ahold of that for spiritual guidance, reliance. It may sound rediculous to the athiest, but does the athiest have any children? Find your serenity in the miracle that is in their eyes and their hopes and dreams of when they get to be like you. Is that not real? Some people believe in Karma, good over evil and the golden rule. We all have values and morals or standards that we live by, they're different, but I believe that most people a genuinely good and will reach out to help others if they were given the opportunity to do so. I believe that most of the evils that go on in this world are products of some sort of addiction. There are mind altering chemicals out there that will have you steal from your mother, use your friends and sell your soul just to have another taste for another day, until tomorrow, then it's on to armed robbery, kidnapping, assault, murder.

So to the agnostic, the athiest, I say - If it will save your life, like it has saved many others will you believe in a beautiful rewarding life that keeps getting better and you finally get to become who you are supposed to be? Or do you twart this need for a belief and continue down a very logical path that leads to crazy or locked up or dead? Not saying that therapy and medication wont help. It will. The doctor gave me the explanation. The 12 steps gave me the ability to understand it. Overcome it, every day. I learn more about who I am and who I was, sometimes things seem really overwhelming. Now, after going through the problems and having the experience of things working out ok or even good, I know I can handle it. Sorry for the soap box. I get carried away, cause it means so much to me. It saved my life. I am greatful.

That's my experience. I hope it helped.

Can Someone Please Help Me With Physical Geography of Egypt Research Paper?

My friend has a research project to do and she really needs help and I am going to help her. I have never done a research project and she hasn't either. The project is on the physical geography of whatever place she chooses. She chose to do Egypt and the professor gave the students a packet of the things she needs to include in the paper. What I would like to know is how we can start the research paper.

Can Someone Please Help Me With Physical Geography of Egypt Research Paper?
best thing to do is make an outline. pick one subject per paragraph. your introduction should talk about what you're going to talk about in the paper, and the conclusion should summarize what you talked about, and possibly what you learned. this is way easier to do with an outline.

check out this link for outline help:

don't forget to turn the outline in with your paper...the teacher will love it.
Reply:You can start by looking up the things that you need to know. that is the whole point of a research paper. This can be done by going to the library and doing research

How do i start my research paper???HELP ME?

I have to write a research paper about eating disorder. i am talking about the different types of eating disorder like anorexia,obesity,bulimia.

Can you help me please

i really need help starting it.

How do i start my research paper???HELP ME?
start with one sentence that describes eating disorder, like statistics. example"eating disorders affect mostly young females in American,between the ages of 12-25"(ot actual statistics)

build from there...

WHAT is an eating disorder- WHAT are the symptoms-WHAT is the mortality rate, etc etc

WHY do girls develop eating disorders etc etc etc

HOW are eating disorders treated? HOW do they begin, etc etc etc

and on and on.. include the 5 w's and how..

you can do this in your research paper for each disorder individually, rather than as a whole, to bulk your paper:)

good luck
Reply:Here's a start:

"We all know about eating disorders and how deadly they can be if left untreated. Usually the people that have them have a really misconstrewed image of their body and think they won't be accepted with the rest of society without being stick thin. It can affect anyone in any age ranging from pre-teen years to adult hood..." and so on.

Good luck.
Reply:Start with a famous story about someone that died from anorexia, bulimia, obestity or statistics about it like anorexia kills 5 million people a year or something
Reply:You could start with a hypothetical story "Janie filled her plate at the party. "How do you do it?" asked her friends, "Eat all that food and stay so thin?" "Oh, I'll just throw it up later", Janie said, making them all laugh. She wondered what they would think if they knew she wasn't joking.

Eating disorders effect everyone . . .

How do i quote or cite for a research paper?

i'm like a bimbo college girl. i don't know what style a research paper is all my teacher said was write a 4 page research paper. most of my information is taken from wikipedia and this other web page so all my sources are from the web. i really need help on like writing citations? or sources? what the? and like the format of the essay. i'm really an airhead please help guys.

How do i quote or cite for a research paper?
Allybama you should be nice to yourself you got to college that means you are alot smarther than you think :) Most colleges use the MLA Formatting and Style Guide in regards to your question.

It would take too long to explain how to do it. The best thing I can offer is a website which you can read and then do what is says on your research paper.

Here is the link:

Good luck i know you will be able to do it, and I hope you get a top mark on your research paper :)
Reply:I recommend MLA style...the way to cite a quote is after the quote. you would write: (author page) i can't remember if there should be a comma, but that you can research.

here is a great cite for doing your works cited page.

you might wanna rethink your sources. most prof's do not like wikipedia, because it is not reliable seeing that any1 can edit it. Research papers normally involve you using databases to find your information. i am in college also, and its not hard to find this information using a database. just log in to your library, and that should get you into the databases. good luck and happy writing!!
Reply:Most likely your teacher expects MLA style. Google MLA and you should be able to find exactly how to write the paper from the format to the citations.

baby teeth

Can you re-reference an endnote number in a research paper?

I'm writing a research paper, and I only plan to use about 8 sources. Now, I reference a source early in the paper, let's call that endnote #2. I then reference sources 3 and 4, but if I want to go back and re-reference the same page of number 2, do I put #2 again, re-list the source or not reference anything at all?

Can you re-reference an endnote number in a research paper?
No, continue counting but when you have your endnotes page at the end of the paper, do something like this

1. Author,title,publisher,page

2. Author,title,publisher,page



If 5 is the same book as 2, do this(even if it's the exact quote):

5. Author's last name, page.
Reply:In the end-note format, you would just give the same reference again and still give it #2. Don't leave a reference out if you took any information or ideas from a source--even if you put it in your own words.
Reply:what doug said

What could i write in my introduction on a research paper about philippines?

what could i write in my introduction on a research paper about Philippines that FEATURED its DIFFERENT REGION, TOURIST SPOTS and DIFFERENT FESTIVITIES?

What could i write in my introduction on a research paper about philippines?
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times . . . . .
Reply:Get someone from the Philippines to introduce you, how you met, what he thinks of you, what he thinks of the book. Make him write at least eight paragraphs of illuminating details about yourself.

At the end, you write a one line acknowledgment of his introduction. Something like, "Thank you, Aref."
Reply:You could start by describing what exactly it is you're researching.

Be specific about the reason and aim of the paper. Is there to be a conclusion or is this merely another tourism guide.

There surely has to be a purpose to the exercise otherwise it's a waste of time.
Reply:"Though many may think of the Philippines as just a group of Islands in the Pacific or vaguely remember it from the history of WW2, it is actually a quilt of various customs, regions and notable landmarks...."
Reply:Try on some topics on Different Festivities.

There are loads of them that are interesting.

It covers religion, culture and the society.
Reply:do some research first

the best way to write an introduction to a paper is to write the body of the paper first. then write the introduction last
Reply:Once upon a time, in a land far far away in a country called the Philippines, interesting things happened -_-

Pearl of the Orient Seas
Reply:its has a.....

it is a.....

the philippines have...

Reply:7,107 islands, one nation... blah blah blah


What are the best survey questions for my research paper with the topic PARENTS: THE BEST ROLE MODELS?

My topic is Parents: The best role models, something like that. Please guys help me formulate good questions for my survey paper that I will use as another source for my research paper. I can only think of WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? and WHAT IS THE BEST QUALITY OR ATTITUDE THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A ROLE MODEL or QUALITY OR ATTRIBUTE THAT YOU ADMIRE THE MOST IN YOUR ROLE MODEL.. something like that. please you have any recommended questions that i must include in my questionaire?

What are the best survey questions for my research paper with the topic PARENTS: THE BEST ROLE MODELS?
Do you admire your parents, and if so, what is the most admirable thing about them?

Have your parents ever given up anything for you, and if so, what?

Do you feel like your parents are a good example of how parents should be, why or why not?
Reply:yeah do everything for him and let him have the credit. I wonder who'll read this and actually come up with questions for him. haha. blah blah blah attribute blah blah blah.

I need to interview someone in the music career for a HS research paper. Anyone willing to participate?

I am writing a senior research paper at Tularosa High School in Tularosa, NM, and it is required for me to graduate. I was wondering if a musician (or someone whose career involves music) would answer these questions:

1) What is the name a description of your job?

2) What is your annual salary?

3) In what parts of the US (cities, states) is this type of job most concentrated?

4) Is your job constant, or is their a lot of free time?

5) Where did you attend college, and for how long?

6) Does your job require any lisences, or other special reqiurements?

7) What kind of benefits does your job offer?

8) Do you travel with your job?

9) What other jobs does your area of study offer?

10) Do you enjoy your job?

11) Does your personality match your job?

Please answer in as much detail as possible. Thank you so much. I live in a small town and it's hard to find people with this type of career.

I need to interview someone in the music career for a HS research paper. Anyone willing to participate?
interview the band, orchestra or choir teachers at your school

super nanny

Im doing a research paper on diseases one of the questions is?

The social effects of diseases. Please answer my question i need to finish this research paper

Im doing a research paper on diseases one of the questions is?
Social effects...

1.Unable to interact/communicate with other people

2.You feel awkward and shy because of worries that you might infect other people...

3. Self-esteem can lower down because in yourself you know that you have a disease....

Hope it was helpful.....
Reply:dude you should do yer own homework, by social does it mean like talking and interacting w/ people? So if you have a lung dissease it might effect the way you talk and could effect you socially. You should google it to find more. :)

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Phils. that featured its region,tourist spot & festval?

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Philippines that featured its region,tourist spot %26amp; festivities?

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Phils. that featured its region,tourist spot %26amp; festval?
I would focus on the influence of other cultures on the Phillipines resulting in a nation whose culture and people reflect a blend of many cultures.
Reply:Start first with stating why The Philippines have different cultures and how these cultures affected the festivities. Also, state how the outside influence affected it also..

I need an organization that can help me with my research paper on coral reefs.?

It's a 10 page research paper and I need a primary source so I need to go somewhere that has info on them or interview someone who works with them or other marine life. I live in the Chicago area if that helps any. Thank you in advance.

I need an organization that can help me with my research paper on coral reefs.?
James Cook University (main campus Townsville, Queensland, Australia) is world-recognized for work on Pacific reefs (especially Great Barrier Reef.) If you post on one of the student bulletin boards you should find a graduate student willing to assist/answer questions.
Reply:My choice would be go to an Austrialia site and look for oceanagraphy site. Try the travel or tourism sites or even museums. They should have a website that you can ask them for specific help on what you want to do your paper on.

Maybe even try NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmosphere) or something like that - they may even point you in a good direction to go..

Good Luck...

I spent many days scuba diving the coral reefs in Hawaii, Florida and Cayman Islands. But, I dont think I make a good person to interview as I only enjoyed the beauty and don't know crappola about coral reefs or even how they develop..

Can someone help me make an outline for my research paper on Dr. Seuss? Or at least help me get on track?

It has to be a Formal Outline for my Research paper on the Author Dr. Seuss aka Theodor Seuss Geisel?

Can someone help me make an outline for my research paper on Dr. Seuss? Or at least help me get on track?
Write a five paragraph one, those are the easiest formats to follow.

Intro: Dr Seuss..... a little bit of background information, and a thesis statement that conisists of three things why you think Dr. Seuss pertains to your topic.

Each of those three things starts its own body paragraph.

Then a conclusion.
Reply:The first paragraph is the intro right? So in the beginning right about like basic usual stuff. (birth, hobbies etc)

The next para. is about his childhood.

The next is about how he started to write like what made him write.

The next is about anything you want.

The conclusion is the death where he was dead and stuff.

You can write more paragraphs.

Make sure you add more pictures to make it more interesting.

wisdom teeth

I need help with a psychology statistics topic for a research paper?

I need ideas for a psychology statistics topic for a research paper? It needs to be a topic that I can do an easy survey on and I only have like 4 weeks to gather all my data and that includes writing the paper too. I would appreciate sincere topics. thanks!!

I need help with a psychology statistics topic for a research paper?
i dunno how easy this would be, but what about the theory called the Oedipus complex. Its the theory of why guys tend to marry women like their mother and daughters like their fathers. I found it interesting because my mom was in and out of me and my brothers life when we were kids so i basically raised him cause my dad worked all the time. He ended up marry a girl exactly like me - same birthday, same middle name, same height, and acted just like me.

or another good one i heard was how when you are in class alot of professors tend to refer to everything in the male sense of a word,(ie - when speaking about God, we always say he.) i read where a male student had a female professor that changed everything to reflect the female version of the word. So if when speaking about God, she would say she. And you dont realize how it affects how you feel about being excluded from a group. You could maybe make up a survey some how that would differentiate the two and peoples perceptions?
Reply:Maybe the delay of gratification. You could ask some questions with situations about getting something now or getting something better later.

Then you could compare gender, age, or race (difficult to ask) and see if there are significant differences in you sample.
Reply:I'm not sure if this counts for psychology since I used it for sociology... but I did an experiment where I rode up and down in elevators facing backward instead of facing the doors and then wrote my report on how other people reacted to it. Good luck!
Reply:Why don't you propose to video a few different classes at your university?

Then figure how many men and how many women are in each class and if it's a male or female instructor.

Then calculate how much time the instructor talks and how much time the students talk.

Break down the student time into how much time a male talks and how much time a female talks.

Then analyze your results.
Reply:You could write a paper on statistics dealing with ppls road rage and the increase over the years. The psychological toll that triggers ppl to loose there patience completely.

What is a book report, research paper and a thesis, What is the difference of the 3?

I'm asking for the meaning and difference of the these items




What is a book report, research paper and a thesis, What is the difference of the 3?
Book Report=by the word itself it means you report what you've read in a certain book. This includes summary of the story, anatomy of the characters involved and some additional info like lessons learned in the book.

Research Paper=means you have a certain question that is quite intruiging and you yearn for an answer, so you resort to plenty of reference materials like books, magazines, newspapers, internet etc. then you compile every information you got to come up with a conclusion about answering the topic question.

Thesis=Involves everything youv'e learned in your certain study and apply those to come up with a concept of your own and much like research paper, you also resort to lots of reference materials to prove and defend your concept so that it will really be a thesis.

**I hope this helps**

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Phils. that featured its region,tourist spot & festval?

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Philippines that featured its region,tourist spot %26amp; festivities?

What could be my introduction on a research paper bout Phils. that featured its region,tourist spot %26amp; festval?
first about the region, the coordinates, population. and it's capital city.

after that it depends on you whether you want to do food, culture, hot spots%26amp; festvities in

personally i woul do

1. , the coordinates, population. and it's capital city

2. Culture


5.and fiannly tourist hot spots!

hope this gave some help..! ^_^

I"m doing a research paper and I need two documents that were written during the era(1800) where can I find so

I'm researching the19th century women's movement I need something like a news paper article written during that time. Anyone know where I can find one

I"m doing a research paper and I need two documents that were written during the era(1800) where can I find so
I found one. Click on "Miscellaneous."
Reply:Check at the library on microfilm.

There are also a lot of websites offering that kind of service

Eye pencil

What is the WHOLE PURPOSE of a RESEARCH paper?

We do a lot of research papers in school. Is the whole point just to learn about a SPECIFIC topic in DETAIL to relate "book" world studies to "real world" dimensions?

What is the WHOLE PURPOSE of a RESEARCH paper?
It's to learn how to find your own answers. In life, most of what you need to know will hardly require the writing of a paper. But you will need to know how to learn about all kinds of topics on your own. When you come home from the doctor's office and he says your child has impetigo, and you're not sure of what the medicine is supposed to do or how to tell if your kid is having an allergic reaction, you will need to know how to find answers...on Sunday night when there's no one in the doctor's office to ask. Research is to teach you to become your own teacher.
Reply:There are lots of answers:

1. Because you've been goofing off in class.

2. To learn research skills, how to use encyclopedias and whatever.

3. To understand a certain topic and how it relates to others.

That's just three, I didn't want to tire you out. ^_^.

Hope this helps!
Reply:teach you how to research, cite sources, organise and present ideas. you will do research papers in most jobs you will get in life-only they go by names such as investment reports, new and editorial articles, annotated bibliographies, etc. you also will do research on your own for hobbies, writing and even choosing a lawmaker or president.
Reply:Its practice for the college and the real world. In college you have a good chance of doing real research that will be discovering new facts. In a lot of jobs you will be called on to get information together so accurate decisions can be made. Its actually pretty interesting, especially statistical theory. You can narrow down cause and effect and make pretty accurate predictions based on statistics. Learn it, you will find it very handy.
Reply:The whole purpose of a research paper is to gather together all the available information on any given topic, arrange it, adjudicate it, and end up with a definitive statement about the topic. It's an important skill to have, especially as there is such a flood of information today, in all forms of media, about every subject under the sun. Knowing how to do a research paper gives you the tools to evaluate the information you are being given and to decide whether it is valid or not.
Reply:You learn. Thats it.
Reply:When I was in school it seemed like the teacher(s) whom were doing them wanted to know where we were at as far as how we could put things into owr own words and how we seen things we read in books/history and how we opened up to the different ideas and subjects to get us moving and reseach for our own story. It helps us learn and grow.

Need Help with a Research paper on Microsoft?

I am doing a research paper on microsoft for a business class and need to find some info on Communication, Motivation, Decision Making, Power and Politics, and Human resource practices. I have looked all over and have only found a few sites that offer any valid quality information. I need 5-7 resources for my paper and have found maybe 2 good ones that I can use. Where can I find some good info. I figured maybe Time, Newsweek or some magazines like that might be a good source as well.

Need Help with a Research paper on Microsoft?
I did a paper on them once and found all kinds of my information when I Googled "Bill Gates" and also when I went directly to the Microsoft web site corporate information.

Help with opening on meningitis research paper?

Ok I am trying to open up my meningitis research paper and my teacher wants me to have an opening sentence that is an "attention grabber." Meningitis, like other diseases really isn't a subject that grabs anyones attention. can anyone point me in the right direction on how to start my paper? thank you.

Help with opening on meningitis research paper?
have you tried doing research on the internet and then coming up with an eye opener for your opening sentence from the info you gathered? you might want to give that a try. GOOD LUCK!

I need help on my research paper please?

I'm writing a 8 to 10 pages long research paper on the invention of telephone: how it was invented, how it was developed, etc... I don't know where to start. I don't know how to organize it, can someone kind of give me an outline or something like that. Thanks.

I need help on my research paper please?
For a research paper, first of all you need to do lot of reading you are reading on the information ...keep jotting down the good line you find which you can use as quotations...(so keep in handy your sources too below the quotaion).

Then when you start to sit down and write your paper... make an outline... by now you have all the information at hand, so you will have rough idea what to include and which direction to

history or background(year.....fued etc) about one and half page

the main theme(how he worked on and the years all info)

about 3-4 pages

the conclusion (upto one and half to two pages)

once you are clear on your outline separate the quotations to use in the appropriate sections..

Preferably,start with a quotaion.. ( I always did that and used to get very good grades as it is very impressive)

below is some info... you can use.,.. all the best :-)

The history of the invention of the telephone is a confusing claim and counterclaim, further worsened by the lawsuits which hoped to resolve the patent claims of individuals. It is important to note that there is no one "inventor of the telephone", though Alexander Graham Bell is often credited as such, and the Italian Antonio Meucci was recognized by US Congress on 11th June 2002 for his contributions to inventing a telephone. The modern telephone is the result of work done by many people, all worthy of recognition of their contributions to the field. Bell was the first to patent the telephone, an "apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically", 16 years after Antonio Meucci, who did not have sufficient funds to file a patent, demonstrated his "teletrofono" in New York in 1860

According to a letter in the Peking Gazette, in 968, the Chinese inventor Kung-Foo-Whing invented a speech transmitting device, which probably transported the speech through pipes. Speaking tubes remained common and can still be found today.

The lover's telephone (or string telephone) has also been known for centuries, connecting two diaphragms with string or wire which transmits the sound from one to the other by vibrations along the string and not through electric current. The classic example is the tin can telephone, a children's toy made by connecting the bottoms of two paper cups, metal cans, or plastic tubes with string.

The source is listed below (1)


Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray raced to invent the telephone.

In the 1870s, two inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electrically (the telephone). Both men rushed their respective designs to the patent office within hours of each other, Alexander Graham Bell patented his telephone first. Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell entered into a famous legal battle over the invention of the telephone, which Bell won.

Alexander Graham Bell - Evolution of the Telegraph into the Telephone

The telegraph and telephone are both wire-based electrical systems, and Alexander Graham Bell's success with the telephone came as a direct result of his attempts to improve the telegraph.
Reply:First find out who invented the telephone. Then

do a google search on inventions/telephone. I would

write my paper in a time line. What happened first,

second and so on. Start your paper with your topic

sentence and then go from there.
Reply:I'm no expert on this but it sounded like you've already known what you're gonna write.

So why not start with how important or a great invention the phone is and then go into your thesis talking about how it was invented and how it was developed.

For example (just an example)

The telephone is the greatest invention. It enabled us to communicate with each other instantly and made our lives easier......(ok, sorry, it's just me babbling, I'm sure you can come up with better stuff)

The followings are explanations on how the phone is invented, how it was developed, and how it........

Then you go on talk about these points in detail and come up with a nice conclusion.

Well, this is just my idea. Sorry it's not the greatest idea. lol

Good luck on your paper.

Small Biography of Alexander Grahm Bell

Why was it invented?

HOw it was developed.


Each one could be a paragraph... just a idea of an outline.
Reply:First, your instructor almost certainly has some process references -- ask. Next, you do an Internet search on "How do I write a research paper?" Here are some links to get you started.

shark tooth

What economic policy would you write a research paper on??

For my macro economics class i have to write a research paper and i can't decide what would be the best thing to write about.... please help :)

What economic policy would you write a research paper on??
Before picking a topic for a research paper you should make sure you have something to say that is more than just opinion or anecdotal evidence.

Has data on a large variety of economic variables for the US and a graphing utility. Look over the data and find a relationship that interest you and write about that. For example inflation and stock prices, inflation and oil prices all or any of the above and interest rates or GDP growth or money growth.
Reply:I.S.I import substitution industrialization in economic development vs export oriented.
Reply:The current stimulus plan and the one a few years back.

Can someone please give me any ideas on wrtting a thesis statement for my research paper?

The topic I chose for my research paper is the Global warming controversy and the two sides of this are wheter is man made or natural. Im in desperate need of help I would greatly appreciate it Thanks.

Can someone please give me any ideas on wrtting a thesis statement for my research paper?
connection between global warming and the erosion of the ecological makeup of the planet or how global warming is destroying the tropical rain forests and eventually bring into risk human survival
Reply:I will give you a few ideas but, won't be postive if I am right. How about the hot air coming from some of the large factories, the thinning of the ozone,I think it has a lot to do with what man is doing now days. like with the large industries, state the harm of it, being too hot, causing deaths,damaging products. lack of water. I really can't think it is late here. Good luck.
Reply:I would choose one (man made/natural) and then make my thesis something like: (reasons you agree with this side) shows that global worming is a (natural/man made) process. Of course you have to have done some research to know what the support for your arguement will be.
Reply:how abot something like "This is the world we live on, are we destroying it?" O somethign along those lines...

Any ideas for a topic on an American History Research Paper?

I have to do a very presise research paper and it has to be American History. Any ideas on a topic choice?

Any ideas for a topic on an American History Research Paper?
THe influences of city bosses (turn of the century) such as Tweed.
Reply:Truman's affect on American policy in Southeast Asia and how it has served as a detriment to our global policy.
Reply:Recently a best selling book has been reviewed. It's called Heyday by Kurt Anderson (link to the review below). The book revolves about the year 1848 and how important it was to world history. That brings me to my idea for your American history paper. In years following 1848 the west saw tremendous settlement - and the gold rush due to response from a private press release by Sam Brannan, an entrepreneur in 1848 who foresaw that the more easterners coming to California, the more money coming into his business interests). This was not the first discovery of gold in California. A paper discussing why the results of gold discovery in 1848 differed from previous California gold discovery would be truly interesting for you as well as the reader. To get source info, look at the newspaper abstracts (URL attached) for Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, and Sacramento counties. My ancestors during the 1850s settled in rich agricultural areas and raised food for the incoming population. There are lots of sources - I've included just a few. Good luck!
Reply:How about the average day in the life of a common soldier.

Free online essays, sign up for a free account.

I'm not advertising this.

However, modify the sentences and use synonyms so you don't get caught for plagiarism.
Reply:Try comparing The 60's with The Roaring 20's.

The social and economic climate between the two are very similar.
Reply:What exactly do you mean by American History? I ask because I think the history of our economy and how it developed is fascinating, and there are different angles to research. But I'm not sure if you're talking about events. If so, I find the Civil Rights Era very moving (in good and bad ways), so I'd suggest that. Or McCarthyism.
Reply:Yeah I don't know if this would interest you, but I saw a History Channel program once on the Flying Tigers of Burma. They were American fighter pilots who were hired by the Chinese right before World War II. Their logo became famous...they were the ones who painted the dog mouth on the front of their plane. Your topic could be whether or not the American Flying Tigers were the reason that the Chinese were able to stay in the war and eventually become a significant factor. War stuff always interested me, and I had the same dilemma but didn't want to do Pearl Harbor or something like that because it seemed like too much of a cliche. If that doesn't interest you, I also wrote a paper on the Jesse James gang, which was a famous gang of bank and train robbers in the old west. My topic was whether Jesse James and his gang were a group of cruel murderers or if they were more like Robin Hood figures to the common people of the old west. For sources I used the movie "The Long Riders" and the internet had a good turnout of information too. One last idea: the development of the automobile. After all, it all started in America with the good old Model T Ford. I've considered this several times but haven't gotten around to it yet. Hope this helps. I'll answer again if I can think of anything else.

What is a good topic to write an A+ research paper on.?

Our teacher is allowing us to write a research paper on ANYTHING we want and I want to do my best. What are some different topics I could write about??

What is a good topic to write an A+ research paper on.?
Here are some topics I've used for research papers:

History; The Assiassination of Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Imperial Family (a lot of interesting politics and fun myths about people like Anastasia)

Science; How the Civil War Changed Medicine- new surgery and sanitation developed during the war.

English; William Shakespeare's Impact on the English Language and Storytelling- He created 2,000 words and wrote over 40 plays.

Math: Euclid's Development of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean movement - The creation of Geometry and the theory that straight lines do not exist, therefore geometry doesn't exist.
Reply:when my teacher left us with an open ended research paper i did one on why the ninja turtles are better than the powre rangers and got an A+. When i tried to write one on why homosexuality is against christianity i got an F+. umm...i don't understand teachers I have a Ghandi speech due tomarrow i haven't even started on. Write about the loose change theory of the 911 trajedy it is 100% true you tube it.
Reply:Write what you know. That means either write about yourself or something that you are passionate about (a sport, band, activity, etc).
Reply:Need more info in your description.


Type of class (english I assume, but who knows)

and length.

As some others have said, write about something you have an interest in AND that is fairly easy to write about. You may interested in planes, but find it hard to write about them. Or, you may think writing about animals is easy, but if you don't have an interest in them, you won't do as well as you could.
Reply:Well easy stuff that you know. Like choose your best friend lol if he said anything, you could do it. Or something you know alot about basically. I'm not you so I don't know everything that you know (lol that sounds like an insult to myself) but still. Maybe your favorite TV show?
Reply:what ever you do,

DONT do it on Hillary clinton..

i got stuck with it,

and its SO hard!
Reply:i wrote a paper about the controversys of cosmetic surgery when i was in school and the teacher really liked it. try something controversial, you can write really good papers about stuff like that because there is so much information and so many possiblities for visual aids, like before and after disasters
Reply:The Cold War and the fear it instilled in America during the 1950s. You could talk about McCarthyism, The Red Scare, and all that jazz.
Reply:something that you are interested in so that you might actually have a good time writing the paper, and not just writing down things the teacher wants to hear.
Reply:Global Warming

Animal Cruelty
Reply:Animal rights

Kentucky Fried Cruelty or Tortured by Tyson(both good topics about how chickens are being barbaricaly tortured in slaughter houses)

Are gymnast being trained to harshly in china and russia

What causes white spots on teeth

What is the best topic to choose for a research paper of a bs biology student?

pls help me to find a topic for my research paper as much as possible i need to have topics where i can find a lot of info on books,net,encyclopedia etc.. tnx=)

What is the best topic to choose for a research paper of a bs biology student?
Here's a website with a list of paper topics...

[not pre-written papers in case you were wondering ]

How can I begin my research paper?

I can't think of any interest grabber introductions for my research paper. It is about John Steinbeck and my thesis is "Throughout Steinbeck's novel's, the characters (George, Elisa, etc.) change from having an understanding of their place to feeling uncertain."

How can I begin my research paper?
First of all, are you writing about all of Steinbeck's novels or just one?

Second try this: "Steinbeck's characters, in many of his works, seem to show and understanding and a connection with their surroundings and places in life. Steinbeck delves into their uncertainties and shows that confidence and certainty dont always go hand in hand."

As for an attention getter - find something funny to say about the book or the author - like "Steinbeck had some serious issues in this book and I dont think they were all in his characters either."

Hope that gets you started. Good luck!
Reply:it was a dark stormy night and the captain said to his crew i'll tell you a story and he began was a dark stormy night and the captain said to his crew...........................?????

hmmm dunnooo

but have a look at this website for ideas
Reply:Steinbeck's Characters

Curiouser and Curiouser

Steinbeck's George %26amp; Elisa

A Regression in Reason?

Steinbeck's George %26amp; Elisa

A Growing Uncertainty

Steinbeck's George %26amp; Elisa

How Understanding Breed Uncertainty

Steinbeck's Character Study

How Understanding Breed Uncertainty

I set these all up for use as a two line titles. Full justification or font size adjustments are recommended.

I am not familiar with the works you are discussing so I can't really help much beyond trying to give you a title or at least some inspiration for you to come up with a better one.

I used to write professionally, one thing I learned is to break a paper into three parts.

1. Tell them what you plan to tell them

2. Tell them

3. Tell them what you told them.

It works in a courtroom. Lawyers start with opening statements, proceed with witnesses, then sum up what the witnesses said. The concept helped me, hope it does the same for you.

Good Luck, now start writing.
Reply:It's often a good idea to begin with a general statement about the topic. Make it something global, like "As human beings, most of us strive for a degree of familiarity in our surroundings." Go from there, and lead the reader to the logical conclusion of your thesis (generally as the last sentence of your introductory paragraph). I would strongly discourage you from an opening statement that includes any dictionary definition, nor should you begin with a statement like "The question of dynamic versus static surroundings is interesting." This leads the reader to ask, rhetorically, "If it weren't interesting, why would you be writing about it?"

I need help on my research paper please?

I'm writing a 8 to 10 pages long research paper on the invention of telephone: how it was invented, how it was developed, etc... I don't know where to start. I don't know how to organize it, can someone kind of give me an outline or something like that. Thanks.

I need help on my research paper please?
uh... sounds like you already have an outline...

Here's a rough one:

1) Intro - talk about what the phone is relevant today

2) Invention

3) Development

4) More development... from cord to cordless i.e. mobile

5) conclusion - fill with BS

Can you tell me how to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper?

the research paper is over autism. contains symptoms, causes, and treatmeants.

Can you tell me how to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper?
So what were YOUR conclusions after the study? Summarizing the high points is nice, but what changed or confirmed YOUR thinking? Pick a piece or example that touched you and tell how you now think about the matter after reading all that you read.

Conclusions generally come in three varieties: summaries, personal impact, and reevaluation of your thesis or hypothesis of study--did the study prove what you said it would. Since I don't know what the first and latter are, I can only speak to the middle one--how did the study affect how you think on the subject studied.
Reply:Regardless of the topic you need to summarise the main findings and conclusions of your research and if appropriate make recommendations for further work that should be done to follow-up on these matters
Reply:Briefly summarize the information which you have presented. Remember to not introduce any new information. Should be similar to the main points in your introduction.

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What should I do my research paper on?

I am in my first year of college, and I have a research paper due in May. He told us that we could do it on any subject we want. I'm having trouble thinking of something... Can you give me some ideas?

Thanks :)

What should I do my research paper on?
I would make the most out if this paper and write about something you really enjoy, or something you are really interested in learning about. For instance is there anything in your life that you will need to do any research for in the near future. Remember, research is just gathering information. Have you decided on a major, or do you have an idea of what career field you would like to go into; you could write you paper about that and also learn more about your possible career choice.

Professors usually like to see that you have researched something that is in someway relative to you. Regardless of what you write about, make it something you are interested in, because you will mostly likely NEVER have another opportunity to write a research paper on anything you want.
Reply:it depends on what youre interested could do:

legalization of marijuana

homeless children/families in america


whatever you want!
Reply:"Westernization of Beauty" is a good topic. You could focus on how the European standard of beauty has a large impact on society and self image. I did a paper something like this in college for Psychology. My report was called "Colorism". Colorism is a form of discrimination that is aphenomenon, where human beings are accorded differing social and/or economic status and treatment based on skin color. (dictionary def) Got an A! Good luck on whatever you choose.
Reply:how about how the belief in profits in religion cause all wars
Reply:maybe you should do something on a rare illness someone has had in your family. People always seem to be interested in learning something small and new like that. I know i always am. good luck!
Reply:do it on Hillary Clinton :D or Brittany SpearS!!! heh
Reply:Well my dear, anything sounds like a whole lotta options to choose from.

Do political stuff. As in "The Iraq War: different points of view from different sides of the world." Its the most current and intresting topic. War. lol.
Reply:I'm really into history so I always did my papers based on that. If I was still in college I'd probably do it along the communication/technology line. Like compare %26amp; contrast how technology has changed our communication abilities within the last 100 years. How people back then did something %26amp; how long it took compared to today's people in the same situation. You can also learn alot yourself when doing the research.
Reply:war might be too controversial. Do it on a person or a system. like Socrates or Marxism. or if you are going to do a war do and old war i.e Civil war or revolution

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?

I had to write a research paper regarding aspects of biblical womanhood. I chose Ruth (loyalty, love, value of family, and humble). English is my second language, obvouisly my grammar is terrible. So I need someone to edit (correct my grammar, change terms, and make it look good and make sense). If you are interesting, please email me.

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?
I wouldn't mind doing that for you! What is your deadline for the paper to be in by?

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?

I had to write a research paper regarding aspects of biblical womanhood. I chose Ruth (loyalty, love, value of family, and humble). English is my second language, obvouisly my grammar is terrible. So I need someone to edit (correct my grammar, change terms, and make it look good and make sense). If you are interesting, please email me.

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?
I am interesting, as you requested.

However, I am not interestED in doing something that a spell check, clarity and a thesaurus can handle just fine.

Is "lucid dreaming" too common of a topic for a research paper?

I'm interested in lucid dreaming and am considering it as a research topic for my IB freshman paper. But I don't want to write a paper on it if most people already know about it.

Is "lucid dreaming" too common of a topic for a research paper?
NO that topic is pretty awesome. I actually wrote a paper about it too!!! and not many people knew about it!! so write away!!!!
Reply:I think that's an intriguing topic to venture into writing. I doubt it'll be a common topic. Go for it!

Primary Teeth

What would be a good topic for an ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER?

I have a research paper due on the day of my FINAL(in a week). What TOPIC would you suggest to RESEARCH for my ECONOMICS class? all i know is i have to be able to write 5-7 pages about a TOPIC regarding ECONOMICS.

What would be a good topic for an ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER?
u could do it on anything couldn't you? Like compare the economies of different countries or just analysing a countries economy?
Reply:Check out They have some great topics that I've used in the past. Each topic has three good sources to get you started on the research, too.
Reply:how hr 25 and senate 25 the Fair Tax act would benefit America

you would get to keep all federal deductions in your paycheck, also no tax on savings accounts, inheritance taxes, capital gains - actually 10 taxes would go away

I make moderate money - but on 27k I had $5,445 taken out for taxes,social security and medicare - ooops I got a refund of $700!

I would have kept the $4745 and gotten a prebate, which is a rebate from the treasury dept as we do not pay taxes on the poverty level of income. If you have a soc sec # and you are an American making $9,800, you would get $185 per month as an adult. A family of 4 making a minimum of $26,600 would get about $506/month. (by the way, this has been calculated to be about $500 billion in spending - that is down from the $750 Billion we give out already - so that is 1/4 of a trillion in $aving$ there)

So for me that would make an increase in my take home pay of 32%+ - or over $7,003

What would that do to our economy? IRA's!? sales?/?

AND where the gov't took in 1.6 trillion dollars in taxes in 2005, the Fair Tax would have yielded 2 TRILLION $$$$$$

And 11 trillion $ would have come home from overseas savings accounts that 'escape' having to pay tax - WHAT WOULD $11T

do back in our economy?? How low would interest rates go?

and best for last - THE IRS WOULD BE DISSOLVED!

did I get your attention, yet? great info at the site - we 've been doin this for 20 years - Congress may be coming around.

had 50 +congressmen and 5 senators on the bandwagon - the most support of any bill - but it did not get to the floor-

good luck

o yeah - current tax bill is over 60,000 pages- almost a million words

the Fair Tax act - 136 pages - can be explained on a 3x5 card

What could be a topic for a research paper on high school economics?

i have to turn in an outline for a research paper for economics tomorrow, but i haven't even got a topic yet! please give me an idea! also, if you can give me an example for an outline. please help!

What could be a topic for a research paper on high school economics?
how about the potential future economic growth of your country.or a country you'ld like to visit? Or about the impact of certain events on countries involved using case studies, like the war in Iraq,US etc:) most importantly do something you enjoy/ think you'ld feel enthusiastic about, yet "easy" to gather material about. Good Luck!
Reply:Whether the New Deal or World War Two had more to do with ending the effects of the Great Depression.
Reply:How about a paper that has to do with Yahoo Answer's.

How should i start this research paper?

im doing a research paper about roman catacombs for world history and i dont know how to start it any ideas?

How should i start this research paper?
do research
Reply:wut xactly about it r u looking at? give a general idea about wut its about
Reply:Start with something really attention getting, like a quote about death or a surprising fact. You can search online for quotes.

What's a good topic for my criminal justice research paper?

I have to do a research paper that is a research proposal in my criminal justice research methods class. Any good ideas?

What's a good topic for my criminal justice research paper?
Death penalty
Reply:I did my senior thesis on the Texas Ranger History
Reply:The criminal justice system as a whole. Does the system work?

teeth sundance

If you put the wrong page number when citing a book for a research paper, do you get in trouble?

I don't have the page numbers for any of my books for my research paper and i don't want to go back to all the books so if i just make up a page # or don't put one does it matter?

If you put the wrong page number when citing a book for a research paper, do you get in trouble?
Well if you don't cite it then it's plagerism, which is illegal. I don't know...I guess I would just make up a page number.
Reply:Depending on your professor, he or she could take it very seriously. At my school, if you get caught citing things incorrectly (making up quotes/page numbers/etc.) you can get kicked out of school.

To cite something properly in MLA format, you need a page number. To cite properly in APA format, you only need the page number for quotes.
Reply:you have to put in page numbers; I doubt that your instructor will double check your citations but you never know

better safe than sorry
Reply:I doubt they will even check. There are too many students in the class.

What to include in French Culture research paper?

What topics should I include in a research paper about French Culture?

What to include in French Culture research paper?
--Cuisine. Their meals are really different from ours (the order, what is served, the portion size, etc.) and there have been a lot of books written about the French and how they stay so thin (ie. the book "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano

--Cigarettes: Still really popular there--you can smoke it restaurants, bars, hotels, etc.

--Fashion. Known as the fashion capital of the world. Vogue and Elle were both founded there. Most of the most famous designers started their lines there: Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Lacroix, etc.)

--Art: Obviously. The Louvre. Roccoco and Baroque styles. Degas, Renoir, Pissaro, Gaugin, Cezanne. Enough said.
Reply:You cannot write anything about France without mentioning it's wine and food. The culture revolves around both.
Reply:The food, food is a very important part of the french culture, it has been one of the finest for years. You should research on french food: macarons, foie gras, cassoulet, and all sorts of patisseries. You can also talk about french fashion because of Paris: fashion capital of the world. Well here is some idea, you should definetly talk about food and bakery though.
Reply:Include their love and passion for food and wine.

Martial Arts Shoes

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?

I had to write a research paper regarding aspects of biblical womanhood. I chose Ruth (loyalty, love, value of family, and humble). English is my second language, obvouisly my grammar is terrible. So I need someone to edit (correct my grammar, change terms, and make it look good and make sense). If you are interesting, please email me.

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?
This sounds like a really neat project - but, this is not the place to be advertising such . . . and I'm curious?

Why have you never answered a question? Here at Y!A - while having been a participant since July of '06?
Reply:I'd love to help, but you didn't give your e-mail address.

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?

I had to write a research paper regarding aspects of biblical womanhood. I chose Ruth (loyalty, love, value of family, and humble). English is my second language, obvouisly my grammar is terrible. So I need someone to edit (correct my grammar, change terms, and make it look good and make sense). If you are interesting, please email me.

I have my draft research paper, and I need someone edit my paper. Would you like to do that?
This sounds like a really neat project - but, this is not the place to be advertising such . . . and I'm curious?

Why have you never answered a question? Here at Y!A - while having been a participant since July of '06?
Reply:I'd love to help, but you didn't give your e-mail address.

How can I write a research paper on Amida-kuji?

Define Amida-kuji and what does Amida-kuji is use for, what other things that related to Amida-kuji, how can I write a research paper on Amida-kuji, what is a Amida-kuji formula, details on Amida-kuji.

How can I write a research paper on Amida-kuji?
you can search the net try fact another is that is where i search answers for something or you can log on to and type your search.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How can I get 10 pages of physics research paper online?

Hi, guys I really need your helps for doing this homework. I have to do 10 pages of physics research paper for my physics class. But I really can't find anything. It's due in 1 day. So, I want to know where can i find 10 pages of physics research paper? please HELP ME........

How can I get 10 pages of physics research paper online?
I think you can try typing a particular subject. Go with gravity. I also had to do a research paper ina day. I searched gravity and I found some good results. Go with that.
Reply:Doing a research paper isn't the same as turning in someone else's paper. Along with the assignment, you should have been told what's needed and what's expected of you. If you chose to wait until you have only one day left to do it, you'd better get busy, and get a few cups of your favorite caffeinated beverages, just like the rest of us procrastinators do. My wife says procrastination is my strongest skill.
Reply:lol 10 pg paper due tomorrow? c'mon man should of started this early! but desperate times calls for desperate measures. search physics and goodluck with the paper!
Reply:What's the topic?


Where can i find a research paper on Global Warming?

This is pretty self explanatory. Before you guys says stuff like "do it your self" , or "Stop being lazy" let me ask you this. If you were a teenage kid would you want to do a 3 page research paper on Global Warming. So, just ask yourself this question.

Thank you for your help

Where can i find a research paper on Global Warming?
I don't know about any papers but here is a good place to look for information.
Reply:First off I am a teenage kid and I just did a research paper all by myself so I am reporting you and telling you to do it yourself and stop being lazy!!
Reply:I hope someday you get expelled/suspended for plagiarism. People actually take the time to write papers, only for lazy fools like you to steal and/or copy. Amazing.

I need to make an outline for a research paper does anyone help me out with any outline suggestions?

I am having a hard time coming up with ideas for a template for an outline for my research paper at school. If anyone has any suggestions or a web site or anything that can give me some ideas I would greatly appreciate it.

I need to make an outline for a research paper does anyone help me out with any outline suggestions?
depending on your topic, for any paper you will want to use the classic INTRO/BODY/CONCLUSION... but this expanded version has helped me as I have written papers in college and masters work:

I. Intro your topic. Finish with the 3-5 points of your body (in other words introduce your body's outline)

II. Body

A. Interesting fact #1 + Illustration, research practical applications, etc.

B. Interesting fact #2 + Illustration, research practical applications, statistics, etc.

C. Interesting fact #3 + Illustration, research practical applications, etc.

III. Conclusion (Know where/how to land the paper! ususally you do this first)

Sometimes you finish with the final question answered, thought finished, application you liked the most, etc. If you need more help, just respond back...

Hope this helps...

What do you need to have in a research paper?

I don't know how to write a research paper, can someone help me by telling the things that i need to put on it,

What do you need to have in a research paper?
Well, first you have to search and get enough information not to be lost in the middle of the paper. Search until you don't have any doubts about what you're working on. And please, don't forget to write down every SINGLE site that you're going to quote in the paper.

Then, you'll need an outline. In an outline, you have to have every paragraph you're going to write. But this one is a different outline. In this one you'll need only the quotes for each paragraph, your thesis, and the main sentences of each paragraph . When I wrote my research paper to my 10th grade English class, my teacher taught how to make some note cards for each quote.. In these note cards, you are going to name them and decide which paragraph they are going to be in. Of course, you are also going to write on them who quoted it and where it is (for example, on the internet on this website: "blablabla".)

With those note cards, you will lay them down on your living room floor and write your paper in your mind. Your outline will help you analyze where the note cards on the floor are going to go. So then, you just switch them around, as you'd like them to be.

After the hard work, you just sit down and write, and it is not going to take that long because by the time you made the note cards and the outline you should have all your paper memorized.

Of course, there are some little big things. As the title, the work cited (your teacher should help you with this one), the maximum number of pages (if there's any), and don't ever forget to introduce your quotes and cite them at the end of the sentence. The rest is like a normal paper, which I guess you already know how to write.

Don't be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. And Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread, Proofread... until you get sick of it... unfortunately.

Good Luck! =)
Reply:You need to document your sources in a bibliography and include it at the end of your paper. Also, when writing your paper, you must sight the source you are refering to.

also, your opening paragraph must cover the points you wish to cover in your paper. Kind of like a laundry list only in sentence form and why you are coving it and an end statement.

I need a research paper on malpracticeand billing and insurance?

i just need a research paper on anything that deals with malpractice. It is for law and ethic class.

I need a research paper on malpracticeand billing and insurance?
learn to understand some principle conception before accept any suggestion is a great idea.Here is great place to start.

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I am doing a research paper on what really happened in the Salem Witch Trails.?

I am doing a research paper on what really happened in the Salem Witch Trails.

Where can I get the best information from?

I am having a hard time finding good info .All i am finding the same old stuff basically what was in the Scarlett letter. I know that in 2000 Pope John Paul release the official documents on how many people actually died in the inquisitions through out the world. I am having a hard time find that as well.

I am doing a research paper on what really happened in the Salem Witch Trails.?
We researched the salem witch trials a while ago.

this is the site we most often used.

tons of info.

just look around and youre certain to find what you need.
Reply:Look up "Ergot Fungus"! The Witch Trials followed a period of damp weather when the grain may have become infected. Many of the reported visions may have been induced by Ergot poisoning.

Is a research paper supposed to be entirely of things taken directly from your sources?

so my professor is having us do the whole thing with bibliography cards and note cards, in paper citing and multiple sources. I'm confused because he's very vague. Now is a research paper supposed to just be entirely of things taken out of your sources with the source cited after each paragraph? example (hawthorne 83)

Is a research paper supposed to be entirely of things taken directly from your sources?
no, that is what MY teacher calls an "information dump." that is bad. It would be very boring to read, and would be very choppy. Mostly, when you write your paper, insert your quote/paraphrase/summery/etc, and then explain it after. your sources should only help firm your argument. I feel your pain though, my research paper is due tomorrow!

My microsoft word want let in, is there another way for me to do my research paper?

I put the product key in and it tells me that it not a valid product key. How can i get the right product key numbers so i can open microsoft word to type my research paper.

My microsoft word want let in, is there another way for me to do my research paper?
Call microsoft.

In the menatime you can download openoffice (it is free) and it shouldwork fine for you and it is compatable with MS-Word, i.e. you can save it in word format.
Reply:If you have the original documentation then ring Microsoft - another alternative is to download the free open office program
Reply:You could try using great alternative and best of all free!
Reply:Try, but make sure you havent misspelled any zeros for O and vice versa.
Reply:My I suggest that you drop MS Office? I would recommend OpenOffice - it is free and MS compatible, and it runs on practically any platform. You will never face product key problems again.

You can get it here:



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Is there any website that can I see a free research paper?

I have to write a research paper for high school and I have no idea what to do. If I see a full research paper I will know what to do, because all I find is websites that give me an outline guide but I would really like to see a real one.

Is there any website that can I see a free research paper?
wekpidia free encyclopedia

Do you have to give people credit if you used their answer to help you with an idea for a research paper?

I asked a question about an idea for my research paper and got some good answers. I dont want to quote them, but i guess it would be their idea that i was using. Even though I would expand on it to make it work with the rest of my paper do i have to give them credit? Its not really a big deal assignment, Im not publishing it or anything.

Do you have to give people credit if you used their answer to help you with an idea for a research paper?
No, you don't have to cite your source just for giving you an idea for a research paper, as long as you do all the research yourself. That would be like requiring you to cite your teacher when they give you a list of acceptable topics to research.
Reply:Ideas are free. As long as you re-write the idea into your own words you do not need to give credit.

Ideas from here would be impossible to cite since our real names are not used. Good luck with your project.
Reply:It's basically stealing their ideas and making their ideas your own. So, you have to credit their work.

How do i do a science research paper?

What is a site that could help me?

Is an egg flotation a good science project for an 8 grader?

whats the main things for a science research paper?

How do i do a science research paper?
here's a link that can help you.

For a research paper, what does it mean to block a citation?

My teacher said "when quoting more than 4 lines, MLA says to block the citation". What does that mean? What should I do to my research paper?

For a research paper, what does it mean to block a citation?
It means that you take the entire quote, and you indent it 1" (two tabs) on the left. You can eliminate the quotation marks (unless you're quoting dialogue), and the period at the end of the quote goes before the parenthetical citation. Ex:

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :

________blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

________blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

________blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

________blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

________blah blah blah blah. (57)

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ...

The underscores (_) above are to move the text over. Yahoo won't do it with spaces.

Remember that everything is double-spaced, even blocked quotes. If your teacher tells you to do it differently, do it his/her way, but know the right way too!

Hope this helps.

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Can you use the same research paper for two different classes?

I have a research paper due for both Eng. Comp. and for Biology, would there be anything ethically wrong with submitting the same research paper for both classes?

Can you use the same research paper for two different classes?
Yes, there is definitely something ethically wrong with that practice. Most universities consider this academic dishonesty, and you could be taken to student judicial proceedings if you are caught.

Each professor is asking for a specific assignment, and expecting you to complete OTHER, DIFFERENT assignments for other classes. You would, in simple terms, be plagiarizing yourself if you submitted the same paper twice.

If you are completely determined to submit the same paper for two different courses, you MUST ask your professors if they will accept this. They will probably say no, and explain why.
Reply:ethically, yes.

your english teacher would spot it in a minute. trust me.

two different disciplines would have very different ways of wording a paper.
Reply:Not just ethically wrong, it's technically a legal problem as well. You cannot (by most university standards) submit the same paper twice without the consent of BOTH instructors. Otherwise this is considered a form of plagiarism, and is often treated with the same degree of severity in front of a university judicial panel.
Reply:Well, yes. You were given two assignments and you should do two research papers. Can't quite understand how a biology research paper would qualify as an English composition research paper. That's a pretty huge stretch.

And it could be a real complication if your two profs ever found out.....
Reply:I don't think it would be unethical to use the paper as a base from which to rework a new paper. Professors do this all the time in their own work for conferences, publishing, and book writing. They don't develope new content at every corner. Papers are often read as lectures for years before being turned into books.
Reply:It happens all the time - its not the most ethical thing in the world to do, but its relatively common. Where you might run into trouble would be if you used the same paper in say, two history classes. Faculty in most departments routinely pass around lists of research papers that have been submitted to see if there are any duplications. If so, the person usually winds up failing both courses. And really, are you learning anything by just making a copy of a paper? That's the purpose of doing a research paper - to learn about a specific topic and you aren't doing that if you submit the same paper in two classes. Even if you don't get caught, you're cheating yourself.
Reply:Yes. Teachers will frown upon teh duplication of one paper for two courses. They fiew their course as the most important, and feel that if you submit one paper for both courses you are not treating the courses wtih equal imporatncve, which is a huge ego blow to the theacher. you can use the same research, but rewrite the focus of the paper to address the subject matter.