Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I need help picking a topic for a research paper for school?

My professor told me I was given Adolf Hitler to write a research paper on. It has to be about something he did or stood for, beyond the obvious. He wants us to dig deep to find something. It has to be 10 pages double sided. It is for a class on the Holocaust, I guess I got the bad apple.

I need help picking a topic for a research paper for school?
Blow your teacher's mind by igoring all the obvious options such as race %26amp; German Nationalism %26amp; revenge for World War One. How did Hitler viewed himself? As an Artist and despite what gets said Hitler was able to support himself as an artist from 1900 to 1914. Hitler beleived in Germanic Art. Heroic Figures and Heroic Scenes. Hitler was not good at painting people, he admitted that, Hitler stuck to landscapes %26amp; buildings. Buildings were Hitler's other passion. You can fashion the same story to incorporate art %26amp; architecture since there are examples of Hitler's taste still evient; Hitler pushed through funds for and was pals with the architect of the 1936 Sports Stadium which is still around. Hitler stood for German Art and Architecture I am sure that if your teacher has intelligence he/she will reward you for a paper that avoids polemics about 'how evil' Hitler was and simply focuses on a fussy middle aged dilletante (Hitler's Word) who just happened to be the leader of Germany during the 20's into the 40's..

Oh on the subject of art, Hitler had a portrait of Frederick the Great and it was/is a Great Portrait....


"""Hitler's Art

Before amassing his fortune with the enormous royalties from the publication of his hugely popular Mein Kampf, Hitler earned a living by using his artistic skills to produce paintings that were sold to the public or used for postcards. Hitler was a great student of the fine arts and studied music, opera, painting, sculpture, and architecture. While living in Vienna under conditions of poverty, he read voraciously and still managed to spend whatever meager income he had to attend lectures, concerts, opera, and the theater. Even when he barely had enough money to survive he refused to compromise and always purchased the best paints, brushes, paper, and canvas. As a remarkably prolific artist, he is estimated to have created between 2000 and 3000 drawings, watercolors, and oil paintings. His artistic talent revealed itself at an early age and continued painting and drawing throughout his life. Even while behind the front lines in World War 1, he continued to paint in his spare time and contributed instructional drawings and cartoons to the military newspaper. His art continued throughout his leadership of Germany and included detailed building plans, furniture design, city planning, and monuments.

Perhaps the notion of an artist becoming a political seems strange in the current era where politics are dominated by professional politicians, it was Hitler's profound artistic vision that translated from his dreams into reality the Autobahn, Volkswagen, Rocket Science, and in the general the groundwork for a prosperous people and flourishing culture before this was lost in World War 2. ""


(PS and in no way am I endorsing Hitler, just prefer to view history dispasssionately even thlough I am passionate about history),,,
Reply:Y a h o o (zieg Eil) Report Abuse

Reply:hitler was experimenting with the human race. now u wanna twist it around???

hitler wanted to unify the world with a united world commonwealth with an international tribunal to try errant/mad leaders. whenever a govt goes astray the UWC will send troops to quell it so as to hv order and peace. he wants to introduce an itnernational language so tt we can all communicate with one another plus each nation is to hv their own mother tongue. hence everyone speak 2 languages.

a unified single currency to facilitate international trade and globalism. eliminate all these $$$ speculation. elimination of prejudice - women r given equal status/wages/voting rights/ equal / proportionate representation in the parliament/ bundestag/rathouse. military expenditure to be reduced but sufficient to quell rogue nations / mad scientists / idi amin lookalikes. educational priority is to give women better education. if parents can afford only one kid - the girl goes to school for she is the primary care giver - she will instil the proper values in the child. get the idea - to eliminate/reduce wars for mums will not send their child to be killed

enough to carry on.....???
Reply:maybe his ideal, like "the perfect race" and all that, and where it originated from. you could discuss the groundwork that was there that allowed him to come to power, and how he created his ideals and ideas. (because, honestly, nobody can take control of an entire country and preform mass genocde unless some sort of groundwork exist that people would allow him to do that.) or talk about the symbols he used that were perversions of earlier symbols, and how he changed their meanings (like the swastika, which used to be a positive symbol) or something along those lines.

hope this makes sense! [it's kinda late for me to attempt writing coherently : ) ]

hope it helps, and good luck with the paper!
Reply:You might check out his own family history. Hitler had a fake family tree written up which showed the "purity" of his family line. In fact, he had one ancestor (I believe it was his grandmother) who may have been a prostitute. If that were the case, he might have had Jewish blood himself, ironically. Think about it--he was a little dark-complexioned man touting the ideal of a robust, blond-haired, blue-eyed people. Think he could have been fighting something deep within?
Reply:How about his involvement in the creation of the VW beetle. (If he had any) His desire to manufacture a car that was affordable to all, simple and reliable. A car that was still in production untill just a few years ago. Maybe you will find he hardly had anything to do with VW. On the other hand, it is never good to put any kind of posative spin on such an evil guy. But it is different from the usual Hitler themes. Maybe you could take a closer look at his mistress...Eva.
Reply:You could write a paper on his opinions of people of mixed ancestry. JK Rowling when writing Harry Potter actually used some of his racial charts determining who should and shouldn't be persecuted. Mischling is a good search term to use- it's German for "half-breed" basically, and there were different types (mischling 1 was a person with 2 Jewish grandparents, mischling 2 was a person with 1 Jewish grandparent, and how they were treated was different). He also had major "thoughts" on blacks and those of mixed black and German blood (of whom there were many more than you'd think- some were the children of Germans who'd been stationed in Africa, thousands and thousands were the children of German women with American GIs, and he was content to "only" have them sterilized rather than killed.)

You could write also on Hitler's alliances with non-whites, of which there were several, even though he regarded them as inferior. Most famous of course was his alliance with the Japanese, but the Palestinians and Saudi Arabians were also allied with him during parts of the war as were the Muslims of Yugoslavia. Both fielded SS units.

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