Saturday, April 17, 2010

What is a crontroversial topic for a research paper on Olympic Swimming?

Controversial topic for a research paper on Olympic Swimming I can't think of 1 can u give me any ideas thanx I appreciated very much!!!

What is a crontroversial topic for a research paper on Olympic Swimming?
doping is a difficult topic to about the use of suits. many people take issue over the use of new 'fastskin' or full body suits. discuss whether use of those suits should be allowed and to what extent...where do we draw the line? will suits that have fins or propellers protruding some day be worn/allowed? that may be extreme, but olympic swimmers are not allowed to wear fins or hand paddles in a race because they enhance performance; don't some of the technology-enhanced suits people wear these days do the same thing? when does the sport stop being about human ability and start being a faceoff between different kinds of swimwear?

hope this helps...
Reply:The use of performance enhancing drugs by Olympic Swimmers.
Reply:Should the distance a swimmer is allowed to swim underwater on the backstroke be limited? Why or why not?
Reply:steroids as usual.

or you could try the physicques of women swimmers and how that affects thier femine apperance.

but thats kinda going in another topic.
Reply:Doping. Have you noticed that most super swimmers, those athletes that grab 5 or 6 medals in one event, disappear after one or two Olympics?
Reply:the use of growth horomones or the former east german team especially the women team
Reply:Steroids is always a good one! Alas you can pretty much guarantee that another student if not twenty will do that..Have you done a bit of research and had a look into the coaches or judges???? I know for a fact that one time a coach told a swimmer to take a tablet to stop a head ache!!! Which it turns out that when she was drug tested it was not for a headache and kicked off the squad!!!

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