Saturday, April 17, 2010

Please suggest an interesting culture to do a research paper on?

I have to do a research paper on a culture. I have to turn in my topic tonight. Any suggestions on one that may be interesting.

Please suggest an interesting culture to do a research paper on?
How about the internet culture of the yahoo answers community?
Reply:The Anasazi Culture

There is a lot of interesting information about the descent of the Anasazi into Barbarism and cannobalism-

General infromation-
Reply:the soccasoni...chariot warriors!!!scythian connections!!!
Reply:if u really wanna research an intressting culture,i suggest persian culture for these reasons:1-persia had a biggest and greatest empire ever and at the moment,all middle east,india,russia,egypt,greece and macadonia were parts of iran...2-persian culture s the oldest culture on earth..over 10000 years old...3-cyrus the great,persian king s founder of civilization and culture and humen rights..4-all great cultures,roman,greeek and egyption cultures all influenced by persian culture cause all were part of persia..5-u know were persia is?iran..the country of aryan race,and all white ppl came from tht place..yes,iran hav greatest history and culture..they influenced arabs and europeans both..even chinese and mongolians..and u think just terrorits and dangarous ppl come from iran..i pity for u how medias influenced u!read about persian culture and know iran(the oldest and founder of science/culture/freedom/civilizaion)more...
Reply:I might suggest Navajo culture--one of the more intact cultures of Native Americans.

Other possibilities:


Andaman Island natives (I forget the name)



Reply:A current culture or a past culture? What course is it for?

I would suggest looking at a religious culture such as Ba'hai or Hinduism. I find them interesting.

If it's for an ancient culture try the Mayans.

Some more information would be useful!

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