Monday, May 4, 2009

How can a High School Student get a research paper published?

I am going into my junior year of high school and I wrote a research paper dealing with computer programming and the mathematics of shuffling playing cards. I would like to get it published some how.

How can a High School Student get a research paper published?
The first thing you need to do is figure out where you want to publish it. There are thousands of journals out there, so you should be able to find a few that the subject would be appropriate for. I'll list a few below I found in a quick Google search.

You don't need to have a degree to publish in these journals, but you'll be at a bit of a disadvantage without one - you don't have an adviser to help you write the paper and check it over for you. I suggest you talk to your teacher about getting in touch with a local college professor (4-year college, community probably won't help) about seeing if your work is worth publishing. There is so much out there already, there's a decent chance it's already been done, or that it's not worth a full publication on.

Once you've located a journal, they'll have instructions for how to write up your article and submit it. Make sure you follow the guidelines, or they won't bother reading it. Some will take them in Word Doc form, others require specific formats, such as LaTeX.

After you submit it, the editor will read it over and either reject it outright (in which case you can submit it to another journal) or send it out for peer review, which means someone in the field will read it and give you comments - and decide if it will be published in the journal. This process can take several months, so be patient. Only submit to one journal at a time.

Here's a few journals you can start with. Read over some of the papers they've published to get an idea of how to write your own. And you'll need a reference list for the journals if you don't have one already. Good luck!

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