Saturday, April 17, 2010

Can you please help me with my research paper?

Do you guys know any good topics about special education that I can use in my research paper? Please help. Thanks!

Can you please help me with my research paper?
I did a research paper on the NCLB Act back in the fall of 2006 and what I found was very disturbing. This is especially true when it involves lowering standards for the special education and changing test scores that the special education students received just so the state governments; such as Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, and Texas just to name a few that illegally discriminated against the learning disabled, so they can obtain more federal funding without a single penny going to help the special education students obtain an equal education.

The sad part is the fact that the federal government does not do a follow up with any special education programs or the students to see just how much these students might have learned over the past year. That was until I faxed this research paper of mine straight to both US Secretary of Education and President Bush where I replaced my name and with "A Learning Disabled Retard." Well, that is about to change in the 2008-09 school year because the federal government has implemented a plan that involves properly monitoring the needs of every special education student in the country. That is what they claim anyway.
Reply:How many teachers in special schools are trained in special education.

How many teahers/aides describe the children as disabilities eg 'the downs children', The autistic girl', 'the palsy group'

instead of the children who have downs syndrome, or the girl with autism etc. These are children first who have a disability, not a disability who are children. It is quite common and is difficult to change the long standing habit. Good luck with your paper, hope it helps a deserved group.
Reply:What schools are doing for special education children as compared to what they should be doing and make excuses not to do.

Many special needs children do not get the supplies or assistance that they need because the school does not want to pay for it, doesn't want to give the student the time of a paid therapist, counselor, or aid, or 'never gets around to it'. Blind children go without braille books, teachers don't follow the rules for an autistic child's needs (if he does x, do y, and he'll be fine)...I've even read about a child with ADHD being suspended for his behaviour, this behaviour caused because the teacher was having him sit still by himself and he couldn't actively participate in class.
Reply:I agree with Sarah.....also you could research the assessment tools that are used........WISC and WRAT are 2 that come to mind........the consistency , validity and reliability of the assessments. ALso, the person giving these tests.......what are his/her credentials? HOw many Special education teachers are actually CERTIFIED in the area they should be.....for have a SPEcial education teacher working with an Emotionally disturbed student but she is only double endorsed in Mental Retardation and Learning Disabilities!! (this would mean she is not endorsed in the correct area to be working with an ED child and therefore NOT QUALIFIED)
Reply:Children and / or adults who require special assistance with the learning problems A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. bring about. Good luck.
Reply:Dyslexia, read something by Sally Shaywitz.

Compare Montessori's Methods with your local scxhool's reading program.
Reply:overuse of special education when a 504 plan is more appropriate
Reply:how about infant/child vaccines and autism?

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